Information about your home
What type of home/s are you building? |
How many levels? (do not including basement) |
How many Bed Rooms does the average unit have? |
How many Bath Rooms does the average unit have? |
How many units do you expect to need cleaned?
you are not sure yet, just pick one that best suits you.) |
check all other rooms the units have:
In our efforts to provide superior service, tailored to your specific
needs, we ask you to provide us with any additional
information that may help us render you the best possible care in
creating a service work schedule that will fit your needs.
How did hear about us?
NOTE: This
form is for your free estimate, which will be sent to you by
mail. When you receive your information
packet, call us to book your appointment
or ask us any questions you may have. If you would like to
speak with a Home Cleaning Consultant call (631)